Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mosaic Using Cracked Christmas Balls

A sentimental piece made for my daughters first bible given to her by her Papaw when she was about 4 years old. An empty wood cigar box was the perfect size.

I used a stencil for the "Navity Scene" and tried to pull it together to make the figures whole. The balls were small which gives it a "lumpy, bumpy" look. The background and filler in between the glass pieces is Model Magic Clay.

I emailed this picture to my sister so that she could show my mom what I did. My mom has Maculate Degeneration. When my sister zoomed in on the picture to our amazement it truly looks like a real baby lying in the manger.

My sister says "that what your beliefs are or your thinking is when you do something like this, it's mirrors back too you."

This is something my daughter will treasure forever. I do need to put some type of sealer on the top though.

1 comment:

  1. I love the mosaic look. Your daughter will certain cherish this.
